Yoga Therapy works with prana, the healing force in the body, directing it to where it is most needed. The premise of Yoga Therapy is that all illness on any level begins with a blockage in the flow of prana. Working with simple body movements to increase functionality and with breath, our intention is to unblock prana, like unblocking a water channel, so that prana can move into and ‘irrigate’ the parts that are being under-supplied.
Yoga Therapy works at a deep level, stimulating relaxation, and raising the healing potential of the system. Breath and gentle movement are often used, as well as visualisation, meditation, and chanting techniques. Depending on the illness or phase of injury, the practice may involve only resting and specific breathing techniques to begin with. Working over a number of sessions Flo will provide you with the tools to move from dis-ease/injury through to full strength and recovery.
Yoga Therapy can help with many conditions including:
- Physical conditions and injuries-including herniated discs, SIJ dysfunction, scoliosis
- Digestive disorders
- Cardiovascular conditions
- Respiratory disorders
- Fertility/reproductive system disorders
- Hormone imbalances
- Auto-immune disorders
- Cancer
- Mental health including anxiety and depression
- Chronic Fatigue
Flo is a qualified yoga therapist having completed a 700 hour post graduate Yoga Therapy Diploma with Yoga Therapy Australia. She is registered with the Australian Association of Yoga Therapists. Flo has worked with a diverse range of students including quadriplegics, those with eating disorders, and a multitude of physical injuries including scoliosis, sacro iliac joint dysfunction, herniated discs and many more.

“I am an active guy who loves to surf. When I came to Flo I had a severely ruptured lumbar disc and a history of spondylolithesis. I was in a lot of pain and could hardly walk. After being given several programs by Flo, very gentle at first and gradually progressing over several months, (and also being advised by Flo to insist on an MRI which led to surgery) I have regained almost full mobility and am pain free. I am able to surf again which my doctor and surgeon had told me would not be possible. I couldn’t be happier!”
“My partner and I were involved in a serious car crash which left me with a brain injury and whiplash, and my partner with a broken foot. Over 6 months, Flo’s weekly sessions not only brought me to better physical condition than I have ever had, even prior to the accident, but have helped my mental state, and addressed the shock and trauma of the accident. My partner came as soon as she could walk again and Flo has helped her to rehabilitate the use of her broken foot and re-balance her body after the accident. Highly recommended!”