Byron Bay Mini Yoga Retreat

AUGUST 17-18 2024


Come back to yourself, with deeply immersive yoga practice led by yoga master and yoga therapist Flo Fenton. Take this time to pause, reset your nervous system, reground your senses, and replenish your energy. Only when our own cup is full can we truly be of service to all those we love in life!

Within a stones throw of the healing vibrations and soothing sounds of beautiful Tallow Beach, Suffolk Park Hall is a quaint, timber floored community hall built by the community, for the community. It is where Flo teaches her regular classes, so all equipment is provided.

Accommodation is not included within the cost of the workshop. If you are coming from afar, make a weekend of it by staying in one of Suffolk Park’s beautiful beach side hotel’s or guest houses. Make sure you choose somewhere within a walk of Suffolk Park Community Hall unless bringing your car. Feel free to ask for advice on accommodation!

This is a boutique experience with a maximum number of 13 attendees. The intention is for it to be like a mini retreat-full of rest and replenishment but also the refreshment of connection to others on the same path, a serene environment, and delicious food!

For those staying Saturday night, a group dining experience will be arranged in Byron Bay!

Lunch provided Sunday at the beautiful Suffolk Park Hall.

This workshop would be useful for all practitioners and teachers alike to enhance both personal practice and teaching skills.

This workshop allows Yoga Australia members to accrue 5 CPD points per day.

Awakening the Pranamaya Kosha

According to the vedas, we are composed of more than just a physical body. There are five distinct layers from gross to subtle. One of these is the Pranamaya Kosha, the subtle or energy body. Made up of the Pancha Vayau (5 energies) the chakras (energy centres) and nadis (energy channels) this layer of our being can be cleansed and awakened through use of curated ancient tantric practices including asana, meditations, visualisations, mantra and specific breathing techniques.

When the energy channels are open, the vayus balanced and the chakras aligned, we have not only good health and clear perception, but we literally evolve our consciousness and begin to inhabit buddhi, the higher mind.

On this weekend, we will learn techniques to help get us in touch with and awaken  our subtle selves.


(Come to Flo’s regular Saturday Flow with Flo class 10am-12 for $27.00. if desired! See details HERE).


A soothing and calming session using curated asana, breathwork and meditation techniques to begin to get in touch with the subtle self. We will begin to awaken apana vayu, allowing us to relax and let go.

Yoga Nidra, chanting and meditation will be included in this session.


6.30pm-A group dinner will be arranged at a local Suffolk Park restaurant for those who would like to join!



9.30am-12.00pm: A flowing morning practice with an emphasis on balancing the prana vayus. today we will focus on awakening prana and smana vayus, giving us renewed energy and strengthening our digestive fire.

12-2pm: Lunch break
Have a relaxing, nutritious and delicious vegetarian lunch with the workshop participants on the deck of the Suffolk Park Community Hall. Cost included. Walk on beautiful Tallow Beach, and maybe have a swim!

2pm-4pm: Powerpoint will begin this session.

A soothing session with passive and supported yoga postures, beneficial breathing techniques and the use of sound to open the energy channels (the nadis) and activate and awaken the chakras.

If you are looking for affordable accommodation right next door to our retreat venue, look at Suffolk Park Beachfront Holiday Park, which has tent sites and cabins;



Dates 2024:

March 9th-10
August 17th-18th
November 30th-December !st

Saturday: 2pm-4.30pm
Sunday: 9.30am-12pm and 2-4pm.

Suffolk Park Community Hall
145 Alcorn St, Suffolk Park.

Cost & Bookings

$305.00: Whole Workshop 1.5 days (includes Sunday lunch)

$210: One Whole Day (Sunday) includes lunch

$95: Half Day (Saturday afternoon).

$27: Add Saturday Morning Flow with Flo Class – 10am-noon.

Full cost is required on booking. If cancellation occurs more than one month prior, a refund can be given minus a 40% cancellation fee. Cancellations in the last month cannot be refunded.

Bookings can be made by completing the Registration Form.

Byron Bay Mini Retreat Registration Form

Please note that all information gathered is strictly confidential, and will be shared only with Intouch Yoga teaching staff as needed.

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