Mentoring & Post Graduate Yoga Practice

Mentoring & Post Graduate Yoga Practice


With over 30 years of practice, 25 years teaching, and 12 years of teacher training experience including mentoring, Flo is now a registered mentor with Yoga Australia. Mentoring is a required part of many teacher trainings. You can use these sessions towards the mentoring hours required to complete your Level 1 or 2 registered Yoga Australia teacher training. Or, as a post graduate student, deepen your expertise, answer questions, and gain required CPD points as a registered Yoga Australia teacher.


  • Teaching of asana in intelligent steps-modifying asanas, use of props, adjusting skills
  • Teaching of pranayama-progression, working with prana in asana, pranayama practice yoga as therapy
  • Meditation techniques Yoga Nidra-practice, mantra practice
  • I am happy to do either open or curriculum-based sessions.

Mentoring sessions can take many forms:

  • Small group classes are offered to Post Graduate students in which we practice together, enhance our asana and pranayama, refresh our prop use and teaching techniques, and afterwards discuss the practice with time for questions.
  • Private sessions of a practical nature which can focus on anything that you are having difficulty with in teaching or in practice
  • Private sessions (face to face or via zoom, phone or email) which may be simply to ask questions and receive ideas about any issues that may have come up as a teacher
  • Assisting in classes or on retreats where you get ‘on the job’ training.

Class Schedule

Small group classes for Post Graduate students. Refresh your practice , enhance your asana and pranayama, revise your prop use and teaching techniques, and afterwards discuss the practice, and any other issues coming up regarding teaching and/or practice!
Wednesdays –8.30am-11.45am
(Suffolk Park address supplied on request).

$40 – In person
$25 – Live online or receive recorded practice.

Next Practice:
Wednesday July 10th , 8.30-11.45am AEDT.

Exploring The Hindu Deities and Bhakti Yoga

Bhakti yoga is one of the branches of yoga. It is offered by the sage Patanjali in the Yoga Sutras as one of the ways one can achieve full liberation

• Sutra 1.23

• Ishvarapranidhanadva

• ‘Or by devotion to god (asamprajnata samadhi can be obtained.)’

  1. A Celebration of Shakti- Devi; Divine Goddess

Central to the understanding of the universe in Indian metaphysics is the idea that life is built on principles of both masculine and feminine counterparts.

  • Shiva (lord of destruction) and Shakti, (the essence of creation)
  • Purusha (pure consciousness; the seer) and Prakriti (primordial nature; the seen) are examples of the idea of a masculine counterpart of divinity which is omnipotence, and a feminine counterpart, which is the source of all potentiality, creativity and abundance.
  • The Rig Veda describes the universe as the result of the interplay between the male principle (purusha), the prime source of generative power, but dormant, and the female principle, (prakriti) an active principle that manifests power (shakti) at work in the world.
  • ‘Devi’ is the name given to the female face of the Divine, meaning simply ‘Goddess’. All the many female deities of the Hindu pantheon are known collectively as Devi.
  • Saraswati is the consort of Brahma, the creator. She is the Hindu goddess of knowledge. She is associated with wisdom, music, art, and learning.
  • Lakshmi is the consort of Vishnu, the preserver. She is the Hindu goddess of wealth, good fortune, happiness, youth, and beauty.
  • Parvati is the consort of Shiva, the destroyer. She is the archetypal mother goddess and fertility image. She is the goddess of fertility, beauty, marriage, the arts, and more, and is recognized as benevolent and loving. She also has several fearsome forms and has killed evil beings in forms such as Gauri, Durga, Kali, the ten Mahavidyas, and the Navadurgas.



Cost & Bookings

Private practical face to face sessions:
$100 per hour, 1 hour minimum.

Private discussion sessions:
$100 per hour face to face or via zoom or $65 per hour by telephone or email (one hour minimum charged).

Assisting in classes or on retreats:
$35 per hour

Small group Post Graduate Practice and Discussion sessions:
$40 per 2.5 hour session in person or $25 live stream or recorded class.

Bookings can by made by calling or texting Flo on 0418 441 437 or contact Flo via EMAIL.
Or alternatively, you can book online.

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