Online Yoga Classes

Online Yoga Classes


Looking for a deeper and more integrrated experience in an online yoga practice? In these multi-level vinyasa classes, we focus on incorporating mantra, pranayama and meditation practice as well as progressing (within our ability) in asana practice. Each course has a different focus or goal, and each practice gives options for different levels and abilities to participate at their own pace.

Flo’s focus is on tuning into the breath, combining breath and movement, working without strain, and gradually building ease of movement and strength through correct technique. This approach greatly enhances the benefits of the practice, providing not just better health, but a deepened state of self-awareness, and peace of mind whilst also avoiding injury.
Because Flo’s expertise lies in paring back the unnecessary additions that are often added to the practice, you will understand the true foundation of each technique offered, and be encouraged to practice within your comfortable ability.

After each live online class, you will receive a high quality, edited recording of the practice which you can use multiple times during the duration of the course, and for two weeks after.

Suggested Equipment:

  • 3 x wool blankets (or thick towels)
  • Bolster (or cushion or pillow)
  • Block (or two thick books)
  • Strap (or belt)
  • Yoga mat.

Class Schedule

These classes suit practitioners who have been attending classes consistently for a minimum of 1 year.
Tuesdays 5.30-7pm AEDT first 3 classes, last 2 AEST

(NOTE-Daylight savings in NSW ends 6th April).

March 18th-April 15th

Inward for Autumn

As the seasons change, so too our physiological and even mental/emotional needs shift. According to Chinese medicine, Autumn is the time where we need to create more 'yin' energy.

As the bright, hot days of Summer are lulled into the cooler, shorter days of Autumn, we’re able to witness perhaps one of the best examples of a true seasonal transition. Each season holds a particular energy, and whilst Summer is the peak of extroverted ‘yang’, Autumn sees us moving deeper into a quieter, more contemplative state of ‘yin’.

Whilst Summer was all about putting plans into action, taking on challenges and adopting a more adventurous way of living, Autumn invites us to start slowing down. As the amount of ‘yin’ energy in nature grows, this is a time to think about how we can live with more of a ‘yin’ approach to each day too. Rather than planning new projects, this is the time to gradually conclude what we’ve been working on for the last several months. Think about tying up loose ends at work or with your home projects, and perhaps choose just one thing to focus your attention on in Autumn.


Our focus for yoga practice in Autumn will be on meditation and breath awareness, pranayama and gathering energy inwards. We will work with postures that open and close the body, open the chest and side body to increase space for deep, long breaths. A focus on arms, shoulders and hands, which will stimulate the meridian lines of the Autumn organs-lungs and large intestines.

This course will contain medium intensity practices, with some flowing vinyasa style asana sequences to mobilise and awaken the body. Pranayama, and some chanting may also be included.

You can join the class live online, or receive the recorded practice to enjoy in your own time, or both!

Cost & Bookings

5 weeks total cost – $108 (direct deposit)

5 weeks total cost-$112.00 (Paypal)

$21 per class drop in rate (direct deposit)

$22 per class drop in rate (Paypal)

Concession Rate:
concession for 5 weeks course (direct deposit)

$95.00 concession for 5 weeks course (Paypal)

$19 per class concession drop in rate (direct deposit)

$20.00 per class concession drop in rate (Paypal)


Bookings can by made by calling or texting Flo on 0418 441 437 or contact Flo via EMAIL.
Or alternatively, you can book online.

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