Flo’s focus is on working without strain, and gradually building ease of movement by providing realistic variations for your level. This approach greatly enhances the benefits of the practice, providing not just better health, but a deepened state of self-awareness, and peace of mind whilst also avoiding injury.
These classes are for you if you are interested in finding more than just a physical work-out. In these classes, traditional hatha/vinyasa yoga techniques are taught, as well as awareness of, and ultimately control of, the breath. They contain dynamic elements such as Sun Salutes, standing poses, forward bends, backbends, twists and inversions, so they are great for building strength, fitness and an all round energy boost. At the same time, all postures given are taught safely, with gradual progression, to suit your individual fitness, experience and health, so that they are also corrective and restorative. All postures are taught along with awareness of the breath, and working within your comfortable range of movement, so that strain and injury are avoided. When yoga is taught in this way, the effects are very deep-‘tightness’ in the tissues relates somehow to blockages in the energy body, and into the psyche. When we practice with correct effort, things that are buried within arise to the surface and can be released. This is the advantage of having a highly experienced and dedicated teacher.
Because Flo’s expertise lies in paring back the unnecessary additions that are often added to the practice, you will understand the true foundation of each technique offered. These classes therefore offer a deep insight into yoga for all levels. Those who are experienced teachers regularly come for fine tuning, and to re-inspire their own practice and teaching, whilst those who are just starting out on their yoga journey will be led into the practice at a level that is appropriate and beneficial, cultivating breath-awareness and a culture on non-straining or striving.

Class Schedule
10am-12pm local time
Please do not come if you are unwell! Equipment is provided and sanitized, but please BYO whatever equipment you have for added safety.
145 Alcorn Street, Suffolk Park.
Suitable for general-intermediate level.
Flowing vinyasa style asana, with pranayama and relaxation. A deep dive into self, combining mindful movement and breath.
Bookings can by made by calling or texting Flo on 0418 441 437 or contact Flo via EMAIL. Or alternatively, you can book online.