Balancing the Prana Vayus – 5 Class Package
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Apana Vayu is the energy that moves downward and resides in the lower abdomen and pelvis. It relates to the earth element, and to mooladhara chakra. Apana is the energy that helps us to become grounded and solid. Also it helps up to detoxify, moving wastes out of the tissues. Apana Vayu when activated helps to cleanse the mind, assisting us in letting go of unhelpful thoughts and ideas. We will connect with and activate Apana vayu with targeted asana, (including standing postures and forward bends) pranayama, (including long exhale and exhale hold) and chanting techniques, within a flowing vinyasa format.
Samana Vayu is the energy that moves from side to side in the mid section of the body around the navel area. It relates to the water element, and to manipura chakra. Samana is the energy that helps us with our physical digestion, but also our mental digestion-assisting us to assimilate life’s experiences in a more balanced way. We will connect with and activate Samana vayu with targeted asana, (including twists, forward and back bends) pranayama, (including even inhale and exhale) and chanting techniques, within a flowing vinyasa format.
Prana Vayu is the energy that moves upwards and resides in the thoracic region. It relates to the fire element, and to anahata chakra. Prana is the energy that gives us abundant vitality, stamina and courage to meet life’s challenges. We will enhance Prana vayu with targeted asana, (including backbends and chest opening) pranayama, (including long inhale and inhale hold) and chanting techniques, within a flowing vinyasa format.
Udana Vayu is the energy that moves upwards in the region of the head and face, and spirals downwards through the legs and arms. Udana vayu when balanced heals ailments and improves acuity of the sense organs and co-ordination, as well as speech. We will activate strong Udana with targeted asana, (including backbends, inversions and movements of the extremities) pranayama, (including long inhale and inhale hold) and chanting techniques, within a flowing vinyasa format.
Vyana Vayu is the energy that moves all around the body is all directions. It balances the other vayus and tops them up when they get low. It is like a reserve battery of energy-our ‘second wind’. It also improves our circulation and vitality. We will activate strong Vyana with targeted asana, (including dynamic movements in all directions, arm balances and inversions) pranayama, (including long inhale and inhale hold) and chanting techniques, within a flowing vinyasa format.